Pathfinder Robot Full

Pathfinder Robot Full Arduino project


“Some people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, but then, anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower.” - Alan Kay


One of the substantial central issues in designing mobile robots is obstacle avoidance. This paper represents the design of an Obstacle Avoiding Robot that can detect obstacles in its path and maneuver around them by making intelligent decisions. It is an Arduino Microcontroller and Adafruit Motor Shield based robotic vehicle which employs an ultrasonic sensor for air medium. For providing the necessary autonomous functions, software application known as Arduino Software was used . The integration of an ultrasonic distance sensor mounted on a servo motor provided a much wider accuracy for this robot to detect the surrounding obstacles. This robot gained more precision by the implementation of a buzzer and a diffused light through which it can indicate obstacle detection mode as well as the speed of the robot in different situations. As a fully autonomous robot, it has the ability to traverse in unfamiliar environments without making any collision. And this developed method can be used for further improvements to increase the adaptability of obstacle detection in diverse situations.


A000066 iso both
Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO
One of the primary components.
51gzz5eu9pl. sx425
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
One of the primary components.
Adafruit industries ada258 image 75px
Li-Ion Battery 1000mAh
One of the primary components.
09264 1
RGB Diffused Common Cathode
One of the primary components.
Adafruit industries ada1536 image
One of the necessary supplies.
08377 02 l
Resistor 330 ohm
One of the necessary supplies.
Adafruit industries ada62 image 75px
USB-A to B Cable
One of the necessary supplies.
11026 02
Jumper wires (generic)
One of the necessary supplies.


Arduino Materia 101
One of the primary machines.

Digilent Screwdriver


The included libraries added in block code are as follows,
The defined connections assigned in inline code are as follows,
define BuzzPIN A0
define TrigPIN A1
define EchoPIN A2
define LEDBPIN A3
define LEDGPIN A4
define LEDRPIN A5
define DCMROFF 25
The expected algorithms rendered in robotic architecture are as follows,
  • Capacity to detect obstacles in its path based on predetermined threshold distance.
  • Search for new course to a relatively open direction by making intelligent decision.
  • Indicate the speed and obstacle detecting mode by RGB Diffused LED and buzzer.
An autonomous robot is one that has some kind of built in Artificial Intelligence functions. This paper provided the necessary details to design a mobile robot that avoids obstacles, navigates on its own and indicates motion by turning on a particular color of a diffused light. The robot is built on Arduino platform with the help of its software to integrate proper assembly codes for which it achieved the required intelligence. Thus the developed robot is fully autonomous and capable to carry out its operation without any human interaction. After transferring the code, this robot has the ability to move avoiding all obstacles in an unknown environment with considerable accuracy.