CARDBOARD Robotic Hydraulic Arm

CARDBOARD Robotic Hydraulic Arm for kids

best of robots for kids 

In this Instructables we will be showing you how to make your very own Hydraulic Arm! This project focuses on the principles of hydraulic movements. To do that we made a small scale demonstration of a Robotic Hydraulic Arm. We managed to do some pretty cool tasks with our ''Arm'', do check out the video down below for a better understanding!
This project is entirely made with cardboard and a couple of syringes, all the plans and blueprints are available. What are you waiting for? Let's get making!

Step 1: The Materials Needed:

Picture of The Materials Needed:
Picture of The Materials Needed:
Picture of The Materials Needed:
One of the reasons that this project is fun to make, is because the materials needed are very cheap and can be easily found at home!
  • CARDBOARD ( preferably a double corrugated board although you could manage with a single corrugation. Will result to a slightly weaker model.)
  • 10 ml SYRINGES x 8 (these syringes will act like the muscles of the hydraulic arm)
  • 2m long TUBE (the tube needs to fit snugly into the opening of the syringe.)
  • SUPERGLUE (you will need a lot!)
  • X- acto knife 
  • A pair of scissors

Step 2: Making the Blueprint

Picture of Making the Blueprint
Picture of Making the Blueprint
Picture of Making the Blueprint
Picture of Making the Blueprint
The whole design fits on to two A4 size sheets. We first sketched the parts and then keeping in mind the mechanisms made the blueprint.
I have made this step much easier for you guys, all you need to do is to print out the templates in the next step. If you wish you can tweak the design as per your looks : )


We designed all the parts so that you don't have to measure and draw. Simply print out the two files, with the same scale, all parts are in their right dimensions. Stick the printouts onto the cardboard and get making!
The toothpick holes are there too, if you have any other doubts we have uploaded lots of pictures so that you have a better visual understanding! Happy Making!