Lego snowglobes for kids

Lego snowglobes for kids

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A jar
Lego figure and blocks
Loctite Super Glue
Glycerine (optional)
Bathroom sealer (optional)

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1. Build your Lego scene. Make sure that it will fit in your jar!
2. Soak the label off your jar and give it a good clean.
3. Sprinkle a teaspoon of glitter into the bottom of the jar. Make sure it’s not the super-fine glitter as this will just float on the top of the water.
4. Apply Loctite Power Easy Gel to the bottom of your first piece of Lego (please help your children with this step). I really liked the gel because it was non-drip so stayed in place when I turned my Lego piece over. It also had a longer drying time so means that the Lego pieces are easy to re-position.
Please note: because your snow globe is submerged in water, the bond may become loose over time.
5. Press the Lego block firmly to the underside of the jar lid. Allow to dry.
6. Fill your jar with water right to the brim (you want as little air as possible in your jar). Screw the lid tightly onto the jar. Yay! Job done!

++ Once you have glued the Lego block into place using Loctite Super Glue you can run waterproof sealer around the rim of the jar if you want to. This will help keep the lid in place and also help create a waterproof seal.
++ You can add about a tablespoon of glycerin to the water inside your jar. This will thicken the water so the bits of glitter float more slowly to the bottom.
++ For some reason (that I can’t explain) I found using cooled boiled water was a lot better than using water straight from the tap. If I used water from the tap (hot or cold) I found that the glitter clung to the lego pieces. Using cooled boiled water prevented this from happening!
++ If you are making these with under 3’s then use plastic jars instead.