Speaker construction and working


Introduction:- Speaker work on the principle of electomagnetism. A current carring conductor in a magnetic field experience a mechanical force.The direction of force is given by flaming's left hand rule. The force is proportional to the magnetic field and strengh  of current. The direction of force reverse with reversing the direction of current.
Construction:- It consist of a permanent magnet with magnetic field arrengement. A moving coil made of approximately 40 to 60 turns of very thin insulated copper wire. A spider made of hard cloth type material and a paper cone. A conical structure made of metalic sheet. All items are fixed with each other as shown in diagram.

Working:- When amplified audio signal is applied to the coil of speaker coil starts vibrating according to the signal voltage. The spider and paper cone also starts vibrating. Due to the vibration of paper cone sound generete form speaker. This sound is same which is given to the input of amplifier.

Speaker are varies in size, shape, wattage, and ohms. Speaker comes in round shape, oval shape slim shape. They are comes in 5, 10, 20, 40 watts etc, ohms rating are 4 ohm 8 ohm 16 ohm 32 ohm etc.

Checking:- With multimeter we can check speaker, It will show continuty and resistance value of speaker. Also if we touch 1.5 volt supply to the speaker points it gives some sound which indicates speaker is ok. please comment for any further improvement. Thanks